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Master /Chief Instructor

Master Instructor, Andrew Hooley has practiced the traditional martial arts for 33 years and teaching for approximately 25 years. 
Master Hooley commenced training in Tae Kwon Do under the Walsh family in 2001 and was appointed as an authorised instructor by Grandmaster Terence Walsh in 2002.
“I cannot begin to describe the benefits that Martial Arts training has had on every aspect of my life”, says Master Hooley.  “I wish to provide others with the same opportunity to experience and benefit through effective martial arts instruction. Having the privilege to assist students in acquiring meaningful life skills and developing strength of character is the most rewarding aspect of my teaching.
Master Hooley currently holds a 5th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and 3rd Dan Black Belt in Hap Ki Do.
Master Hooley is a certified Shiatsu (Japanese Acupressure) practitioner.
Master Hooley has a background in Information Technology and Project Management and is most recently working in Cyber Security.


Senior Instructor

Nan Bahr - 3rd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo, Senior Instructor.
Nan Bahr has been a student of Walsh Martial Arts since 2013 having promised her children that she would start when either of her son or daughter achieved a Black belt. Both children succeeded and it has been a wonderful family experience to train and study together.
Nan is a University executive and Professor, and registered teacher with degrees in Psychology, Biology (Neurophysiology), Music, Special Needs education and a doctorate in Educational Psychology. Nan’s work specialises in adolescent development. She has also sustained a military career for over three decades in the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police attaining the rank of full Colonel in the Australian Defence Force. However, Martial Arts training with friends and family is the highlight of her week.


Branch Instructor

Kris Tunstall - 3rd Dan Black Belt, Branch Instructor

Kris has been practicing Taekwondo for approximately 8 years at the Yatala branch dojang and has served in the capacity of assistant instructor at the original Yarrabilba branch dojang.

Kris is a microbiologist by profession

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